Tatran Cinema
Tatran Cinema

The Cinema Tatran is organized under the Information Office Poprad. The opening of the Cinema Tatran was on 28th January 2016, with a film screenings of Eva Nová, with a discussion with the protagonists of the film. The main representative of the film, Emília Vášáryová, was also present at the film screening. The capacity of the cinema is 359 seats.
Tickets can be bought in Information Office Poprad or online at www.kinotatran.sk. Entry and sale of tickets is through the Information Office Poprad. You can pay only by cash in Information Office Poprad.
The Tatran Poprad cinema regularly hosts Travel Festivals, the SCANDI Film Festival, the French Film Week Créme de La Créme, as well as the International Mountain Film Festival.
Tatran Cinema digitization
The Cinema Tatran has undergone digital digitization according to Digital Cinema Initiatives, acquired D-cinema projects with 2D and 3D basic technology, a D-Cinema server and basic accessories including full surround sound. Thanks to digitization, the cinema is ready for the screening of films in accordance with current standards. In addition to the possibilities of 3D projection, the used sound technology with a multi-channel sound system is also interesting, which according to the supplier is unique in Europe and is used only in Poprad so far.
The digitization of the Tatran cinema in Poprad was financially supported by the Audiovisual Fund in the amount of € 33,000.
Benefits and discounts in Tatran Poprad cinema
Loyalty card of the Tatran Poprad cinema
Join our loyalty program and save money every time you visit the Tatran Cinema! Members of the program receive an instant admission discount for up to 2 people and collect points that can be used to shop at the buffet.
A discount of € 0.50 per ticket applies to a maximum of two tickets from each purchase. The card can be used max. 1x per day.
Hall charter in Tatran Cinema
Application for renting cinemas or smaller video hall with a seating capacity for about 60 people, must be sent to the Municipal Office Poprad – Department of Non-Residential Administration (phone number: +421 52 716 72 18, cell phone: +421 910 890 209, e-mail: barbora.hroskova@msupoprad.sk)
The date and technical-organizational details must be consulted with the cinema management – Mgr. Ľubomíra Olejárová, manager of the Tatran cinema (kino@visitpoprad.sk, +421 910 890 025).
Fees for any additional services associated with the use of the premises of the Tatran cinema are set by the current price list.
Price list of services Tatran cinema FROM 1.11.2018
If you would like to use the Poprad Information Office as a ticket seller for your event, there is a form available here – order pre-sale of tickets, which also contains detailed business conditions. The form must be filled in and handed over with a stamp and signature or send by scan to MIK Poprad (info@visitpoprad.sk).
Webpage: https://www.kinotatran.sk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KinoTatran/
We invite all fans of a quality film experience to film screenings at the Tatran Cinema! Looking forward to your visit.