Information office Poprad
Information office Poprad

With the exception of weekends and holidays, we are at your disposal at the telephone number +421 910 890 507 and at the e-mail address:

The Poprad Municipal Information Office (MIK Poprad) is a contributory organization of the city of Poprad. It carries out its activities within its main and business activities.
Director and statutory representative: Ing. Lucia Michaľáková;
Invoicing data: IČO: 42381193, DIČ 2024097372, (IČ DPH only for business activity: SK 2024097372)

Námestie sv. Egídia 43/86
05801 Poprad – Slovak republic

Opening Hours
September – June | |
Monday | 9:00 – 19:30 |
Tuesday | 9:00 – 17:00 |
Wednesday | 9:00 – 17:00 |
Thursday | 9:00 – 19:30 |
Friday | 9:00 – 19:30 |
Saturday | 15:30 – 19:30 |
nedeľa | 15:30 – 19:30 |
July – August | |
Monday | 8:00 – 20:00 |
Tuesday | 8:00 – 20:00 |
Wednesday | 8:00 – 20:00 |
Thursday | 8:00 – 20:00 |
Friday | 8:00 – 20:00 |
Saturday | 15:30 – 19:30 |
Sunday | 15:30 – 19:30 |

Contact, +421 52 16 186
AICES (Association of Information Centers of Slovakia)

The Poprad Municipal Information Office is a member of the Association of Information Centers of Slovakia. The AICES logo in Slovakia represents a quality mark, which is defined in the TIC sector at the AICES level in the form of compliance with the minimum standard, which is also the entry conditions for membership in the association. The role of AICES is not only to protect the interests of individual members, but also to represent them in the enforcement of important strategic legislative documents in the field of tourism.
providing tourist information about:
-cultural monuments,
-cultural, social and sporting events,
-attractions and leisure,
-cycle routes and hiking trails around the city,
-accommodation and meals,
-transport, institutions and offices,
-services and businesses.
-free internet access
-mail service
As part of its main activity, MIK Poprad also performs:
-management of databases of turism,
-overview and promotion of events in the city and the wider region,
-management of own website and presentation on social networks,
-sale of tickets for cultural events organized by the City of Poprad,
- sale of souvenirs, maps and publications
- luggage storage
- copying, fax and small office services
- advance sale of tickets for events of various organizers through the following systems:, - (Ticketware)
- rental of children’s cars
- guide services
- rental of advertising space
- commercial film screenings and sale of refreshments
- arranging car rental
MIK Poprad organizes tours of the Square and to the Church of St. Egidius and other tours of various types for groups from 5 people to order. More info here TU.